Motorola V700 LTE Body-Worn Camera
The V700 is a state-of-the-art LTE body camera that captures critical incidents and keeps you connected throughout your shift.
As the requirement for law enforcement video systems continues to grow, the obstacles to acquisition remain the same. Raising funding and securing grants is difficult and time-consuming. Data storage and system maintenance costs are hard to predict. And video technology continues to mature, making a big investment potentially risky.
Motorola Solutions is helping you overcome these obstacles by providing a body-worn camera, video management software, and required services through our V700-as-a-Service offering.
With no up-front capital investment required, you can deploy a new camera system and start using it immediately under a simple 5-year pay-as-you-go program. Everything you need is provided, including your camera system, required accessories, management software, video storage, service, and support. And if you already have content on a digital evidence management system, we can work with you to migrate your video material to the new platform.
Features and Benefits
The V700 is able to live stream video and report real time GPS location over LTE to CommandCentral Aware. The V700 body-worn camera and in-car camera can work seamlessly as a single solution, capturing synchronized video of an incident from multiple vantage points. There can be up to 8 V700 cameras connected to an Motorola M500 in-car video system.
The V700 is dependable through tough circumstances and captures evidence in crucial situations. With Record-After-The-Fact, the V700 can recover critical evidence days after a incident, even when a recording wasn’t initiated. The V700 can also be triggered with Holster Aware sensors and APX public safety radios. The V700 camera also delivers excellent video quality in low light conditions.
Easily change the V700’s rechargeable battery while on the go. The self cleaning battery contacts ensure reliable power. The V700 also has 128 GB storage, big enough to support Record-After-The-Fact for up to 114 Hours at 480P resolution. The V700 includes saved settings, multiple mounting options, and the SmartControl mobile and PC app.
The V700 can upload recorded videos to VideoManager EL via wireless LTE networks, anytime, anywhere. This allows the body-worn camera to send critical video back to headquarters while still in the field. The V700 also guards your data and your reputation. Elevate your data security with encryption at rest and in transit.
Whether you are a police officer uploading video, a detective redacting and sharing evidence from a court case or a dispatcher viewing live video and location from the V700 body camera, there is a video management solution for every team.
Key Integrations
CommandCentral Aware
A complete operating picture that integrates critical real-time intelligence in a simple display, including video, alerts, and mapping data.
M500 In-Car Video System
When the M500 in-car camera starts recording, it will trigger the V700 to start recording.
APX Radio
The emergency button and fall alert on the P25 portable radio triggers the V700 to start recording.
Holster Aware
A sensor that fits in your holster and detects the presence of your weapon. It triggers your V700 to start recording when the firearm is unholstered.
Smartphone App/PC Compatibility
SmartControl (Android, iOS, PC) can review and tag videos and change camera settings on the V700.
VideoManager EL
Store and upload evidence to VideoManager EL
CommandCentral Evidence
Manage, redact, transcribe, and share body-worn video in CommandCentral Evidence.